
Mission Debrief’s illustrious EOC! Without Matt, Mission Debrief would have never had it’s start. This genius is also the co-creator behind the podcast Drive 2 Ant’s as well as the creator behind a television review podcast, Bingeworthy. He is the brains behind the operations and passionate about gaming.

Favorite games include: Mass Effect Trilogy, Destiny and let’s not forget Matt’s ultimate passion, Magic: The Gathering.

Socials: LinkedIn


Stephanie is one of the Senior Editors of Mission Debrief as well as one of our regular writers. With her Bachelor’s in Creative Writing, she enjoys writing fantasy projects but has kept them in hiding, all while also managing the social media of Mission Debrief.

Some of Stephanie’s favorite games include Bioware games, the Devil May Cry series (not DmC), League of Legends, and the Final Fantasy series. Her favorite in particular is Final Fantasy X.

Socials: LinkedIn | Portfolio


Crystal is our other Senior Editor of Mission Debrief and the artist behind Mission Debrief’s logo. As well as Stephanie, Crystal is one of our regular writers here on Mission Debrief. She in particular has reviewed some of the hidden gems and indie games so far. Crystal graduated from Full Sail University with her Bachelor’s in Creative Writing along side Stephanie, and since then has had her hand in the field of project management working on various media projects.

Crystal’s favorite games include the Bayonetta series, Shadow Hearts, Bioware Games and so much more.

Socials: LinkedIn | Portfolio